smoking is one of my favorite things to do. i fully understand the risks and have seen them first hand as well as anyone. still i enjoy smoking and although i think im gonna quit because they are getting so fucking expensive because our government sees it as an expendable industry i have no qualms whatsoever with smoking. what i do have a problem with is our country and they way people in positions of power over us pick and choose things they condemn. yes cigarettes are not good for you but why the attack on them? three times a day every day people are being pumped full of growth hormones and pesticides in food. where the fuck is the warning on food? why isnt there a surgeon general warning on every bucket of the kfc chicken warning pre adolescent girls they may grow breast years before their bodies intend to because of the growth hormones in their food. how about istead of or in addition to ad campaigns that talk about all the chemicals in cigarettes someone talks about the chemicals in the coloring in coca cola that is petroleum based? or shit why isnt there a carbon monoxide warning on cars like cigarettes? some boxes of cigarettes warn pregnant women that smoking can cause birth defects.. so does the shit in food! all im saying is its fucking bullshit.